Support Our Cadets

Support Our Cadets

one team.

The Crimson Tide Battalion wants to thank each and every supporter for helping us facilitate the growth and shaping of our Cadets. As we gain more support, we are able to provide more training, resources, and opportunities for Cadets to expand their knowledge and experiences. The Cadet Club is how the Battalion is able to allocate funds to facilitate events such as Alumni tailgates, team bonding exercises, transporting our competition team to Military bases for additional training, and co-sponsoring events to support the community. Individual Cadets will be supported through purchase of equipment like boots, Battalion t-shirts, sneakers, gear needed in preparation for various Army Schools, and recovery tools to prevent injury. We are working to grow our program through the alliance of various military and community organizations to shape our Cadets the become the best prepared Army Officers. 

All funds, resources and donations go directly to supporting the Cadet Club Fund and are overseen by the PMS LTC James Horn, and managed by Cadet Battalion Leadership.