Our family, our future.
What to Expect
MSI Year: Freshman
Class Meeting Pattern: Once a week for 50 minutes.
During their first year students will learn the fundamentals of leadership and national security. Using the U.S. Army as a case study, students examine military organizational culture, roles and missions of the armed forces, leadership management and leader communication skills. Additionally, through practical exercises, students develop individual leadership skills in problem solving, land navigation and rifle marksmanship. The course counts toward credit for completion of the Army ROTC Basic Course, entrance into the Army ROTC Advance Course and eventual commissioning as an officer in the U.S. Army. Students taking this course do not incur any military obligation.
Lab Meeting Pattern: Once a week with all other MS levels for 2 hours.
Course provides students the opportunity to apply leadership theory in a wide range of scenarios. Using small unit tactics as a vehicle, students learn a series of individual technical skills and then transition to leading fellow students in collective tasks.
MSII Year: Sophomore
Class Meeting Pattern: 50-minute class twice a week.
This course builds on the MSI curriculum. Students focus on leadership development and officership. Throughout the course students learn personal development, problem solving, planning, teamwork, Army values and the basics of physical fitness. There are also several practical exercises in which the student will learn beginner skills such as knot tying, rope bridging, land navigation, and marksmanship. This course counts towards credit for completion of the U.S. Army ROTC Basic Course and eventual commissioning as an officer in the U.S. Army. Students taking this course do not incur any military obligation. The course meets twice a week in accordance with the fall schedule of classes.
Lab Meeting Pattern: Once a week with all other MS levels for 2 hours.
This course uses a series of demonstrations and practical exercise scenarios to develop basic leadership competency. Students have the opportunity to observe and experiment with different leadership and management techniques. The course instills individual leadership confidence and provides a structured mechanism for identifying leadership potential. Each course meets bi-weekly in accordance with the fall/spring schedule of classes.
MSIII Year: Junior
Class Meeting Pattern: 50-minute class twice a week.
Study and development of leadership and small unit tactics that provides training and education in becoming a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army. Students participate in a series of practical exercises to enhance leadership skills and receive personal assessments of and developmental training in leadership competencies. Students produce both written and oral guidance for team members to accomplish tasks. Additionally, cadets receive out of class training during field exercises, physical training and leadership labs. Requires participation in leadership development lab. This course meets three times weekly in accordance with the schedule of classes.
Lab Meeting Pattern: Once a week with all other MS levels for 2 hours.
Series of practical applications of small unit tactics, leadership skills and technical competencies learned in the classroom. Participation is required of all MIL 310 and MIL 320 students. This class meets weekly in accordance with the fall/spring schedule of classes.
MSIV Year: Senior
Class Meeting Pattern: One hour and 15 minute class twice a week.
Study of the distinguishing characteristics of professionalism and how they relate to the military as a profession. Emphasis is on ethical decision-making and obligations of officership in a democratic society. Interpersonal skills and behavioral processes are covered and applied in practical exercises to further develop student management and leadership skills. This class meets three times a week in accordance with the fall/spring schedule of classes.
Lab Meeting Pattern: Once a week with all other MS levels for 2 hours.
Course educates students in executive leadership management and prepares them for post commissioning tasks as Army officers. Students fill basic command and staff positions and are responsible for planning, coordinating and conducting the Corps of Cadets training activities. This class meets bi-weekly in accordance with the fall/spring schedule of classes.
Program Overview
The Army ROTC courses are college elective’s focusing on leadership and management skills. Offering many scholarships and awards. The ROTC program consists of the Basic Course and the Advanced Course. The Basic Course provides college students the opportunity to learn about and experience the U.S. Army without incurring any military obligation during their freshman and sophomore years. The Advanced Course prepares juniors, seniors and graduate students for commissioning as officers in the active U.S. Army, U.S. Army Reserve or Army National Guard.